Have you ever been typing and all of a sudden, some of your numbers turn into words?
This HD video tutorial explains how to fix the Number Lock Problem by teaching how to turn on and off the number lock button.
If you can not find the number lock button on your computer, then another solution is to plug in a usb keyboard and hit the number lock button on that one.
h6w t6 f5x th5s
how to fix this
n40bers 5nstead 6f w6rds
numbers instead of words
h6w t6 t4rn th5s 6ff
how to turn this off
N40ber 3c62 *r6b3e0 n40 26c2 he3* 2c
Number lock problem num lock help lk
n4036c2 5s 4r r s6 d4de h6w d6 y64 st6* d5s fr60 ha**en5ng d5s 5s s6 st4*5d 14st stah*
0y 2eyb6ard 5sn’t 352e that th64gh and 5t d6esnt w6r2
th5s d6ess n6t w6r2 f6r 0e *3ease he3* 0e
than2 y64 s6 04ch! th5s w6r2ed *erfect3y 0y 2eyb6ard 5s bac2 t6 n6r0a3!
5 can 6n3y say can and and and yes b4t n6t a33 w6rds.
haha than2 y64 s6 04ch 5 azwxsecdrvftbgy45h4n61502-1h gyt fart
haha than2 y64 s6 04ch azwxsecdrvftbgy45h4n61502-1h gyt fart
he3*, 5 have that *r6b3e0, 5 rea33y d6nt 2n6w h6w t6 f5x that, he3* 0e *3ease, 5 a0 s6 sad, 5 th5n2 0y *c br62en.
5 a0 str4gg35ng
5 d6nt have that b4tt6n and a 4sb 2eyb6ard what d6 5 d6?